-M. Buzzeo

like rundown, crossback
i remember your eyes
like yesterday
not yesterday itself
back east, a home cawed or clawed
boys i tribed: not safe & safe & what are you now
now you can't eclipse me
i fantasize this language
one palm touches another
there are many separate translations
for what we are: occurring as
i am lead, hurdled to pure light
the way patina dances on the tongue
it only takes a little bit to turn me on
can't bear the sentence cut off, strange animal
to hibernate
i cave you in the fire we round, listen it echoes
the flames' sound paws us
i dreamed of his hands on my face, my neck, my stomach
i dreamed of a hand able to build and pull down
without the song of violence etched in those life lines
we grew up younger & larger
than we ever imagined: what do you forget every day
i never forget this wounding or desire
what does that make of me
i have trouble in this space of particle
light to wave, shimmers do you know
how to capture ___ i had to steal it