Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Allison Cobb: Green-Wood

Been reading, and have read, Alllison Cobb's Green-Wood, (Factory Books, 2010):

This is a photo I took in Green-Wood when Dave and I went up there to read in the church on the grounds. There is Tracey McTague, amazing MC, for the Green-wood Reading.

Here is an online excerpt from Cobb's text:

This is an amazing book with some interesting parallels for me.

I live next to a Greenwood Cemetery in New Orleans.
Tracey McTague of Lungfull Magazine , among other amazing things, invited Dave and me to read at the Brooklyn Green-Wood Cemetery in 2007. On this fabulous night of poetry among the gravestones and history, Tracey first told me that she and Brendan were pregnant with their little girl Aurora.
I am slightly obsessed with funeral rituals and the dead, so the context of the book is appealing to me.
But more importantly, it is a long poem filled with tons of cerebral facts and bits of informtation from the listing of trees to herbicides and Emerson digging up his dead wife. I love this.
Jacket Magazine,Issue 40, just published my article on Bernadette Mayer's Midwinter Day, another long poem that is fond of lists and various tidbits of info. to tickle your brain.

So, everyone should immediately read this book. And visit Greenwood cemetery as well. Both book and place are amazing.
Baby Issa would like me to stop going on about this and pick her up now.

One last thing:

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