Friday, October 02, 2020

The Edge Thins


What is faster than the speed of light? What is beyond mass and speed. The question of consciousness is only useful to the living as far as we know. But that is because we observe life from a duality of living and dead. We haven't yet embraced the concept that we are the dead as well and it is not that we don't know what happens in death as much as it is our want to believe it is different than life. But what if there is no difference. What if death is the transition coding of an endless infinity loop. This is a photograph of photons traveling in a straight line. You too will trespass. No one will stop you.

Photons are massless and always move at the speed of light.

Echoed Behavior in the country of sound signals repetition. In poetry, repetition is used to create familiar landscapes. There is actually no such thing as repetition or else all is repetition. There can be no true sense of what we perceive as a return. A return would mean there was a marked space in time that one could return to, and time is an illusion. There is no past anymore than there is a space in the past. There is a word in a line and clearly the same word cannot be in the same line again, so what we call repeat is anew.

Anew is every moment. And every moment is a repetition of anew.

Did you know paradox is close to divinity. When you recall all of this, it is a echoed return to completion. We have fully recorded the past and future to design an overall experience that we are moving in time, and yet we are never not.

This program ends when we are able to hold that truth.

They believed nothing could move faster than light. But beliefs are made of errors, I mean, echoes.

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