Tuesday, October 15, 2013

NAPUSSWRIMO: November Constraint: Pussy & Poetry

For the month of November, I'm going to write every day about pussy, specifically pussy in relation to poetry, poetics, art and social media.

This is my NAPUSSWRIMO: Pussy: From Luce Irigaray to Azealia Banks

Things I'll be discussing include but are not limited to:

Luce Irigaray, Carolee Schneeman, Nicole Peyrafitte, Dodie Bellamy, Susana Gardner, Kathy Acker, Kim Vocika, anatomy, OKcupid, Tumblr, The Great Wall of Vagina, The Perfect Vagina, Vulvatic art expressionism, nip/tuck vulvas, Azealia Banks, Iggy Azealea, Lil Wayne, orgasms, ejaculation, fluid, dolls, Pussy Riot, Pussy Galore nail polish, Pussy the energy drink,

and there will be poems

"If we keep on speaking the same language together, we're going to reproduce the same history."

 -Luce Irigaray

No real pussies will be used/ abused/ denigrated/ injured/ disrespected/ neglected/ ignored/ overlyadored/ displayed/shared/ reblogged/ liked/ not liked/ touched/ not touched/ in this process

except my own.

Megan Burns